2020 Uniform Guidance Updates

Uniform Guidance for recipients of federal awards has been updated effective November 12, 2020

Initial Analysis of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) (S. 748)

Uniform Grant Guidance

As a recipient or potential recipient of federal funding, either directly or indirectly, you need to be aware of the new rules coming at you very soon.  The federal circulars as we know it are going away (A-133, A-122, etc.).  The laws are now combined into the Uniform Grant Guidance.  Hopefully you have heard about this and are already in the planning stages.  These new rules are effective 12/26/14 and apply to all new federal grants (direct or passed through a state, county, city or other nonprofit) or additional federal grant funds received after that date. 

This is only a summary.  There is information in the summary that points you to the full guide as well.

Uniform grant guidance what to know and do in 2014

Nonprofit Alert January 2014


New “Supercircular” Issued

newsletter here: Nonprofit Alert-Jan 2014